
  • The Madurkathi cultivation is done on swampy land. When the reed grows up to 4 to 5 feet it is cut just above the ground leaving tiny part of it for its re growth.
  • From each of the stalks, 4 to 8 strips can be prepared by discarding the soft inner tissue. The strips are further processed by soaking water to make them soft.
  • Before weaving, the reeds are soaked in water and dried under the sun. Then the mats are weaved, either in loom or by hand. The mats weaved with thick reeds are called ‘Dopura' Madur and thin reeds weaved with jute threads are called ‘Ekpura’.
  • To enhance the quality, cotton and silk threads are also used. Diamond or spread patterns are weaved in the mats. Previously the colours were made from natural sources but now chemical colours are used by the artists.