Explore Bengal's Rich Artistry and Creative Talent

Discover the vibrant creativity of Bengal and talented Bengali artists. Explore diverse art forms, crafts and artists of West Bengal.

Empowering Artisans through Skill Development

Discover the vibrant creativity of Bengal and talented Bengali artists. Explore diverse art forms, crafts and artists of West Bengal.









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Vibrant creativity of West Bengal and talented Bengali artists

Sr. No Artist Name Phone No Location
1161 9932300563 Purulia
1162 9064496069 Purulia
1163 9547183157 Purulia
1164 Not available Purulia
1165 8016572465 Purulia
1166 9339304505 Purulia
1167 9064907552 Purulia
1168 9932300563 Purulia
1169 8102473375 Purulia
1170 6297887781 Purulia

Discover Exceptional Artists And Celebrate The Rich Cultural Heritage Of Bengal

Explore the captivating world of Bengali artists and their remarkable art forms. This platform celebrates the rich cultural heritage of Bengal, where artists are renowned for their intricate craftsmanship and unparalleled talent. From the mesmerizing scrolls of Patachitra to the evocative storytelling of Baul music, our platform connects you with these masters of their craft.

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